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Blood reinfusion


DONOR™ is a premium device for postoperative drainage, collection, filtration and reinfusion of patient’s own blood.

The DONOR™ system is pre-evacuated with a unique vacuum regulator for constant low suction drainage. Thus, promoting the wound healing.

A validated LipiGuard blood filter ensures safe blood reinfusion of patient’s own blood.

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DONOR™ is used after the following orthopaedic procedures:

• Total knee replacement

• Total hip replacement

• Spine fusion

• Revision surgery

A comparison study has shown that with the use of DONOR™ allogeneic blood transfusions have been reduced by 70% with total hip replacement and 98% with total knee replacement (Hendriks HGE, et al. 2009).

Why blood reinfusion

Autologous blood is patient’s own blood

Allogeneic blood is someone else’s blood

  • Adverse reactions of allogeneic blood range from febrile reactions, allergic reactions and viral disease transmissions to, rarely, severe incompatibility of the ABO blood group.

  • Use allogeneic blood for emergencies, not for elective orthopaedic surgery

  • Circular use of blood, rather then throwing blood away.



Autologous blood transfusion or reinfusion

  • Autologous blood transfusion helps to reduce complications

  • Direct oxygen transportation after autotransfusion

  • Circular use of patient’s own cells, prevent blood being discarded

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